Saturday, June 13, 2009


just like another day, boreeed. but i got sudden message, tiba tiba dusa nyuruh gw kerumahnya katanya ada rapat. haha, oke akhirnya gw datang untuk rapat. dan setelah bla bla bla akhirnya gw pulang bareng cynthia. dan baru nyampe rumah jam 10 ; late?
nah terus sampe rumah makan, eh gw chat
ting sama sepupu gw, dan ternyata he broke his girlfriend up. and the reason? cuma gara-gara gak cocok lagi, kayak artis mau cerai aja.
padahal kan dia mati-matian untuk ngedapetin cewek itu, eh malah diputusin. ckck.
there's this thing which is complicated, unguessable, unpredictable calles LOVE. so, that's why i don't go for it. just like Kevin Doyle said :

" Love is Patient, love is KIND, Love means slowly loosing your Mind"

anyway here is out new muse ( Lily Collins )

adios amigos

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